Introduction to Potion Making
November 06, 2019

Introduction to Potion Making

Samhain might be behind us, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to put your cauldrons away. In fact, with the cold winter months approaching, this is the perfect time for potion-making.

The idea of potions suggests magic, but you really experience the power of ‘potions’ every day, when you sip on an herbal tea for relaxation or drink a nutrient-rich smoothie for your health. Potions are a result of combining natural ingredients together into a brew or blend to reap the physical and spiritual properties they contain.

Potion making is a big part of Wiccan and other spiritual practices. Potions can have physical health benefits, but they can also be used to attract metaphysical energies into our lives, such as love, wealth, or protection.

Read on to find out more about potion making, including common potion ingredients and their properties.

An Introduction

Potions should always be made mindfully. You might have specific rituals attached to how you make potions, such as specific vessels to use, places to brew, or times of the day/moon cycle/season you prefer. 

Be clear about the intention of your potion and what you want it to achieve throughout the process. You might include a verbal incantation or mantra as you brew your potion to imbue it with your intention.

Remember that, as with most magic, potions can’t necessarily influence other people’s actions. A love potion can’t make someone fall in love with you, but it can help you to get in touch with your own emotions and improve your relationship with others. A wealth potion can’t help you win the lottery, but it can help you to harness the talents you already have that might lead you to a windfall. 

Types of Potions

  • A ‘potion’ is traditionally a mixed brew of different ingredients that can be drank directly
  • An ‘infusion’ is like a tea or tisane, whereby ingredients are steeped in a liquid - can also be drank directly
  • An ‘ointment’ is a topical potion that is intended for external rather than internal use

Tools for Potion Making

Potions can be made with regular kitchen tools, but you might have ritual tools you use instead.

These might include:

  • Ritual vessels, such as cast iron cauldrons for brewing or ceremonial chalices for serving
  • Wooden spoons or utensils, to harness the earthy elemental qualities of wood
  • A boline (ceremonial Wiccan knife) for cutting up herbs or other ingredients
  • A mortar and pestle for crushing or grinding ingredients

There are also ways to bless and charge the water you use in your potions. You might decide to only use fresh rainwater, to charge your water with specific crystals, or to bless a bowl of water with moon energy by leaving it outside under a full moon.

    Potion Bases

    Water is a common base for your potion, but isn’t the only one. Here are a few common potion bases and what they’re good for:

    • Water - for cleansing and healing
    • Syrup (e.g. honey, agave, molasses) - for happiness and joy
    • Alcohol - for virility and longevity
    • Vinegar - for change and transformation
    • Milk (or whey) - for love and nurture

    Common Potion Ingredients

    Learning what ingredients to use in your potion-making can be an infinite study. Nature gives us so many edible gifts with powerful physical and spiritual properties, it’s hard to know where to begin! To help you start, here are some more common ingredients used in popular potion types:

    For protection:

    Rosemary - for protection against mental ills
    Blackberry leaf - for warding off evil spirits
    Black pepper - for protection against disease
    Garlic - for intense cleansing

    For love:

    Apple - for sensuality and romance
    Vanilla - for pure love
    Cinnamon - for heat and spice
    Rose - for self-love

    For beauty:

    Orange - for youth and zest
    Jasmine - for attracting beauty into your life
    Eggs - for fertility
    Honey - for sweetness

    For good fortune:

    Pine - for resilience
    Ginger - for good luck
    Allspice - for attracting money
    Peach - for abundance

    For healing:

    Mint - for cleansing and digestion
    Cayenne Pepper - for clearing ill energies
    Salt - for purification
    Lemon balm - for healing

    For meditation:

    Lavender - for calming
    Hibiscus - for divination and intuition
    Chamomile - for relaxation
    Licorice root - for easing bodily pains and tensions

    Potion making is a wonderful way of harnessing the magic of the natural world. From herbs to fruits, spices to flowers, earth gives us an abundance of natural cures and gifts! Remember to brew your potions with mindfulness and intention, and enjoy reaping the benefits all winter long.

    If you want to know about potion making and nature magic, we've got a number of useful books on the subject below!


    View All Our Wiccan Books


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